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  • #440345

    I accidentally deleted a layer slyder database, and now i cant create no slider.
    can you help me??


    Hi scleroliquido!

    Hmm, not really sure I understand. So you cannot create any new LayerSlider in your dashboard? Try deactivating all of your plugins to see what happens.



    Hi Elliot.
    i disable all plug but nothing, i cant import a DEMO slider.
    what i can do for delete layer slider plugin and re-install it???
    yesterday i test to re-import a table of layerslider in phpmyadmin from backup i not able to create a new slider…



    Could you please provide us with a temporary admin login so that we can take a closer look? You can post the details here as a private reply.




    This reply has been marked as private.


    I see your problem, could you try to update to the latest version of the theme, 3.1.5, to see if that helps? Also try to keep WordPress itself updated, you’re running a pretty old version.


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