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  • #250580

    Hi Enfold People!
    The last update has given me a error upgrade.php line 208 in WordPress?
    Any ideas?

    (Latest WP and everything is updated).


    Hey Peter!

    What’s the error ?, try to upload it via ftp if you happen to get the same error after trying again.

    Best regards,


    Hi David,

    The full error msg:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/ on line 295

    I compared all files (v. 2.7.) and found NADA (Also FTP’ed a fresh version)
    I swapped theme to another and something else pop up… That error was fixed with the SEO conflict in another topic!
    Back to the update.php…??
    It happens whenever I update plugins or Enfold?

    Best regards


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Netzie.

    Hi Peter,

    That error seems to be appearing due to a conflict with a SEO plugin:

    Best regards,


    HI Josue,

    Thanks for your research and answer
    What is there to do then?
    I google’ed the foreach() and found something about that the error could be caused be a foreach that is not an array?
    I am not a programmer… But maybe somewhere in the code there is a missing array?
    (Strangely enuf… I have another client with Enfold and SEO by Yoast and this error is not there?).

    Have a nice day

    Herbalife Distributor since 1995
    Work From Home



    I deleted Yoast SEO Plugin….
    Still gets this Error: (Every time I just check for updates!!?
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/ on line 295

    Please advise



    Please download a fresh WordPress here –
    and replace update.php file that is inside wp-includes folder via FTP



    Hi Yigit,

    I already did a FULL compare with my local copy – MATCH
    On your word I downloaded a new WP and compared to local and online – MATCH



    Hi Peter,

    Does it happen with the default WordPress theme?



    Hi Josue,

    Nope… I change to Twenty Forteen and the error is gone…
    I activate Enfold again… And Error shows up again :-(



    Maybe it’s an issue with the Envato download api. Try to add this line to the functions.php file:


    to deactivate the automatic updates.



    Hi Dude!

    That made it worse… Now I see the error twice :)
    I added the code to line 238
    Right after
    add_theme_support( ‘automatic-feed-links’ );
    Even the PUSHED/FORCED WP 3.9 with the newest Enfold… SAME!! :-(



    Thank you for using the theme!

    You said that “I swapped theme to another and something else pop up”, is this another error? We can assume that a plugin is causing the issue since both theme are experiencing errors. Regretfully, we cannot provide support for third party plugins or scripts as stated on our support policy. Any questions you have regarding setup, integration, or troubleshooting any piece of functionality that is not included on the theme package will need to be directed to the plugin author. Please try to open a ticket on WP SEO forum and community.

    On another note, do you have a cache plugin? Please try to empty cache.



    Hey Ismael,
    No Cache plugin is in used or installed?
    But I think I found the problem. – Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
    The site is an upgrade from another theme and back then they uses “WPBakery Visual Composer”.
    Until now… It worked fine in combi… But it’s time to let go!! – I will start converting the old Bakery code to Enfold code style!! (Any tips?)

    Have a nice weekend




    Thank you for the update. Glad we could help somehow.

    I’m sorry but the shortcodes use on the WPBakery Visual Composer plugin is quite different from the avia builder shortcodes. We won’t be able to help you with it.



    Arrrggghhhhh GRUMPF!!! I was wrong….
    I now deacrivated WPBackery plugin and spend hours converting the codes!!
    And the error popup again:
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/ on line 295

    I then deactivated ALL plugins! To find the guilty party…. NONE!!
    I massage the WP by clicking around on all different things and function… When I click on Check for updates … The error is back!
    ON WP and Enfold is now active!!! :-(
    (Sorry to the WPBackery lads)
    I then activated Twenty-Fourteen theme…. Same error??? WHAT!”!!
    Hmmmm someone has any ideas of anything?
    (Now WP 3.9.1 DA)

    Ghost in the machine!! :)


    Pyyyiiii :-)

    I hope I got it now!
    With nowhere to point the finger… I turned to my hosts server… Hmmm PHP 5.5 —> Set back to PHP 5.4
    Checked the Memory settings, sessions etc. All was ok!
    Activated Enfold – OK
    Activated all plugins – Ok
    Error gone!!
    I am singing from the treetops!! Praise the Lord!

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