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  • #993390

    I’m seeing a large white space above the top of my menu when using a LayerSlider at the top of my home page. When I enter inspect mode in chrome, this is the code which shows with it:

    <div class=”ls-slide” data-ls=”kenburnsscale:1.2;” style=”width: 1280px; height: 720px;”></div>


    Hey Labrat228,

    Could you post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    I’ve added private information for the moderator.



    Thanks for that, did you set the slider to a fixed height? If so then please try to change that. You could try this CSS as well:

    .home .ls-slide {

    Best regards,


    I hadn’t set the slider to a fixed height, and the CSS you gave me made no change.

    I’m on a tight deadline, so I’m going to just move on without the LayerSlider for now, but this is obviously a glitch that needs to be fixed.



    Yes, absolutely. Let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, though we will need to be able to see the actual problem to be able to help you out.

    Best regards,

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