If you look at this page https://nicholassansburysmith.com/index.php/nss-store-sections/#top, I’ve added two color sections. One for The Extinction Cycle Series and another for The Hell Divers Series. You’ll see a huge gap between Nicholas Sansbury Smith Store and The Extinction Cycle series and big gaps following it and again, before and after Hell Divers.
How can I remove these gaps? For the first section, I’ve set padding to 0.
Thank you,
Hey norcalnathan,
I took a look at your page and found this css in your style.css causing most of the issue:
/* make footer expand more to bottom */
.entry-content-wrapper {
min-height: 1500px;
Please remove and clear your browser cache, then let us know if that solves.
I couldn’t login and test due to “Sucuri Website Firewall” Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
Best regards,