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  • #753990


    maybe you can help me with this problem.

    first… I love your Theme! I created the Ladies as a product and I wanted to display them on this side that calls “escort booking”

    of course without the +/- of the shopping cart

    You can see the example on the old site theme

    Thank you very much for your help


    Hey Semito,

    I am not fully understanding the question. Are you saying you want to remove the add to cart functions?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey jordan,

    sorry…english is not my native language… :-) I am copying the old site from html to word press – you can see it on the old theme
    so you can add one or two ladies to a booking list.
    If I add a ladie in enfold it show you you added Lady mira to the shopping cart – see shopping cart – so I want to change to “you added Lady Mira to the booking list – see booking list
    and also want to delete the – 1+ field

    kindest regards
    Sami Presley



    I am not seeing this message “you added Lady mira to the shopping cart – see shopping cart”

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan…

    this is the other problem I have…. when I add the “Product Puchase Button” it will not shown in frontend. What you see is an “button” with a link to the booking list!!!

    Maybe I will give you an entrance for the backend??? but it is in german :-)

    best regards,




    I can translate the backend. I am just trying to get a clear understanding of the entire scope of your problems so that I can properly solve them :-).

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    ok… I will try it again!
    Button in Frontend is normal button – the product purchase button will not appair on Frontend
    Like the ladies are not products will not shown the cart icon and the text withe the -1+ button to add mor “ladies”
    as you can see on the old site – exaple you add Ladie Sophia to a bookinglist

    on the new side its allready done – the “cart” is the booking list

    the only thing is to add a lady to this booking list
    ***without the typical -1+ Button because Ladie Sophia exist only one :-)

    Hope I could explain a little bit better…thaaaank you



    I am sorry we can not understand properly.
    Can I please ask, you provide us a screenshot so we can understand properly what is missing, or what you want to re-create
    so we can be able to help you please?

    Thanks a lot



    Hello…now you have the visibility to my question…thank you
    to hide


    Also need to hide the shopping cart button in menue…only found to hide on mobile…thanks


    Hello the product purchase button is added to product but not visible on frontend??? thanks

    product purchase button



    Please provide the admin info so we can log in and check it out.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello sended you the Admin



    Please try de-activating all active plugins except for WooCommerce and make sure that you are using the latest version of Enfold which is currently 4.0.3

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I did everything also the current 4.0.3 so I can see more Tabs on Product Site but NOT the puchase Button!!!

    best regards,




    Okay, give us just a bit more time to get this figured out.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    …If I add a ladie in enfold it show you you added Lady mira to the shopping cart – see shopping cart – so I want to change to “you added Lady Mira to the booking list – see booking list…

    Hi Semito,

    vielleicht hilft Dir mein Tipp…

    Um dem angezeigten Text, z.B. von “shopping cart” zu “booking list” oder von “Einkaufswagen” zu “Buchungsliste” zu ändern, kannst Du das am einfachsten über die mit dem Theme gelieferten Sprachdateien.

    In dem Ordner “lang” sind die .po Sprachdateien, die Du mit dem Programm Poedit ändern kannst.

    Deine gewünschte Sprachdatei. z.B. de_DE.po, rufst Du mit Poedit auf, änderst den betreffenden Eintrag und speicherst diese als

    Die .mo Datei lädst Du dann in den entsprechenden “lang” Ordner auf Deinen Server und aus z.B. “Einkaufswagen” ist nun “Buchungsliste” geworden ;-)




    The WooCommerce has this rule: to have the purchase button, you must have to add the price for this product. So, to fix it, just add this price here:

    P.S: I edited this product with the example price:



    Thank you john…this will show the button – (I already add a plugin – NS Costum add to card button . to change the name of the button in add to booking list) but my later question was how to delete the – + on the left side of the button because there is only one lady andrea you can book and not a few. thank you



    I am sorry for forget it. To remove the quantity field, just add this custom CSS code at Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS

    div form.cart div.quantity {
    display: none;

    And I don`t know if you did it, but is possible to allow the user buy only one unity of this product, just go to:

    – Edit Product >
    – Inventory >
    – Check the Sold individually option.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by John Torvik.

    Ok fine :-) this helps me a lot!!!

    The button had a littlel sidebar on the right side with the same hight like the button!!! I put him in a color section and the sidebar is not visible but the button is left side – not centered – do you habe a solution?

    thank you very much


    Sorry forgot!!!

    Like this is a high class escort service can not show prices but you said I have to add a price (to visionlise the button)

    Shoping Card Button
    I add the css to disable the Shopping Card button – is that correct!!!

    .dropdown_widget_cart .buttons .checkout {
    display: none !important;

    Thank u



    To remove prices from your products, please add following code to functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_price', 10 );
    remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title', 'woocommerce_template_loop_price', 10 );



    Hello, John sended me >>> to remove the quantity field, just add this custom CSS code at Enfold Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS
    but the cart still appears!!!

    div form.cart div.quantity {
    display: none;


    Hello Yigit,
    thank you but nothing happend…prices still visible – or it is important WHERE to add in the funcions.php???

    remove_action( ‘woocommerce_single_product_summary’, ‘woocommerce_template_single_price’, 10 );
    remove_action( ‘woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item_title’, ‘woocommerce_template_loop_price’, 10 );

    thank you best regards



    It might be, did you try it at the very end of your functions.php file? Also make sure that you clear your browser cache and reload a few times after adding the code.

    Best regards,



    I put it in front on end before or after the } but the price still appears!!!
    also cleared the browser cache!!!

    Can somebody please help me with the Shopping Card Icon I ask 3 times for help to disappear in menue but I never get an answer!!!

    Thank you

    Best regards, Sami



    Could you please provide a screenshot of the element or object that you want to remove? If you want to remove the “cart icon”, use this:

    #menu-item-shop {
        display: none !important;

    Best regards,



    can sombody help me…the “add to Cart Button” (in German “buchen Sie jetzt!”)where centered on all sites!!! Now it doesnt he moved a litte bitt to the left… I tried wieh 1/3-1/3-1/3
    1/1 but he only move the the left but not in the middle. Thank you



    We would love to help you, but please start a new fresh thread for this issue. It is to help us keep things organized.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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