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  • #1172458

    Hallo Zusammen,

    auf einmal habe ich das Problem das mein Kontaktformular keine Email versendet. Das Problem müsste nach dem 26.12.19 aufgetaucht sein bis dahin habe ich Email erhalten.

    Ich hatte die Version 4.4 gehabt mit Numeric Captcha wo das Problem angefangen hat.

    Aktuell habe ich 4.6 mit google reCaptch v3 und trotzdem keine Funktion. Getestet habe ich bereits mit verschiedenen Email-Providern, ohne Erfolg.

    vielen Dank für die Hilfe

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by fotorem.

    Hallo bekommt man hier Hilfe?



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The API keys used for version 2 of the spam protection is incorrect. Looks like you’re using the same set of API keys for both versions. You have to generate another set of API keys for v2.

    When you have the time, please upgrade the theme to version 4.7.1. This version contains a lot of improvements and addons.

    Best regards,


    I had a similar problem with my page. Emails weren’t sent anymore – appr. after 2020/01/01. When researching the problem, it turned out, that only mails were sent when I write in a mail-adress from my own domain. Mail-Adresses from other domains didn’t work.

    Well, I’ve installed the following plugin WP Mail SMTP. Now, everything works very fine!

    Yours, Thomas

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by venolab.


    : Thank you for chiming in and for suggesting the plugin. Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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