January 22, 2019 at 2:18 pm #1057212
Hallo miteinander!
Von der Seite https://www.klocke-lingemann.de/kontakt/ versendete Formulare landen beim Kunden im SPAM.
Nun hatte ich vom Support des Providers folgende Antwort erhalten:
Bei den verschickten Mails sind nicht alle Header korrekt gesetzt.
Dies ist häufig dann der Fall, wenn die Mails direkt aus den Skripten Ihrer Website heraus generiert werden.
Sofern Sie die “mail()”-Funktion in PHP verwenden, beachten Sie bitte deren 4. und 5. optionalen Parameter um weitere Header (insbesondere “envelope-from” im fünften Parameter) zu setzen.
mail( (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘,
‘From: (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘,
‘-f (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘
Siehe auch:
http://php.net/manual/function.mail.phpBei einem fertigen CMS Systemen muss man diese Konfiguration häufig im Backend des Systems durchführen.
Kann mir jemand helfen und mir einen Tipp geben, was zu tun ist?
Herzlichen Dank
Peter MeyerJanuary 24, 2019 at 4:01 am #1058011Hey Peter,
Sorry for the late reply, I believe that I understand that when a customer uses your form, their message lands in your spam folder, so your host requires the “reply-from” to not be marked as spam.
Are you using SMTP to send mail, perhaps a SMTP plugin?
This makes since, we have this code for that case, Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:add_filter('avf_form_from', 'avf_form_from_mod', 10, 3); function avf_form_from_mod($from, $new_post, $form_params) { global $enfold_custom_from_header; $enfold_custom_from_header = $from; $from = " (Email address hidden if logged out) "; return $from; } add_filter('avf_form_autoresponder_from', 'avf_form_autoresponder_from_mod', 10, 3); function avf_form_autoresponder_from_mod($from, $new_post, $form_params) { global $enfold_custom_from_header; return $enfold_custom_from_header; }
please replace ” (Email address hidden if logged out) ” with your email
Best regards,
MikeFebruary 2, 2019 at 1:05 pm #1061978Hi Mike,
I’ve added your code – but it’s the same as before – Messages sent by the form end up in the Spam folder.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards
PeterFebruary 3, 2019 at 4:31 am #1062102Hi,
Do you mean that the messages from your site are landing in your spam folder? This would mean that you are getting them and if you white list them with your spam filter then they will land in your inbox.
Spam filter are pretty advanced now and yours is detecting that you are spoofing the address, but white listing it will tell your filter that you want the messages.Best regards,
MikeFebruary 5, 2019 at 5:06 pm #1063225Hi Mike,
that would be very simple – but also at the recipient of the confirmation they end up in SPAM.
Thank you for help.
Best regards
PeterFebruary 5, 2019 at 11:22 pm #1063401Hi,
Sounds like you will need to use a SMTP plugin so that your email is actually sent by a SMTP server, spam filters can tell the difference from faked or spoofed email and email sent from a real address.
The first step would be to set up a email account on your server, and then use a plugin such as: WP Mail SMTP, then when email is sent it is sent from your email server, not your website.Best regards,
Mike -
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