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  • #1191040


    I’ve got a little problem with knowledgebase demo (enfold theme), because all the knowledge icons are not showing.. Just because there are not provide in the demo files.

    Could you please send me the knowledgebase icons pack specific to this demo.



    Hey manyfl2or,

    Everything should be included in the demo, could you send us a link to where we can see the problem you are having please?

    Best regards,



    I was having some 404 error because of the missing files… It’s not the first time I’m encountering this problem, on the medical demo the medical icons where missing as well and your colleague send me the medical icon pack (threat #1134490). It would be perfect if you could send me the knowledge icon pack.



    Please see the link in the Private Content area.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks a lot for your help !

    I’m working on an other website with the law demo and the law icons are missing as well. Do I need to open a new threat or could you send me directly the file as you did ?



    Please see the link in the Private Content area.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks a lot for your help !

    Best regards



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Actually I’ve got a little problem with the icon import. I’ve import the justice icon pack on my enfold child theme and everything goes well but when I tried to import another icon pack (medical pack), it did not work as both are from flaticon. The new one delete the old one and I can’t get the two at the same time.. Is there a workaround ?



    Please try unzipping your “medical” pack and opening “config.json” with a plain text editor, do you see the html for a 404 page like this?
    when the “config.json” doesn’t have it’s information and the file is uploaded through the importer the file will be named “Font: flaticon”, but this can only be used once.
    But the files that do have the info such as the one in the “knowledgebase” pack are named correctly in the importer
    Perhaps you can edit the medical config.json to this, removing the html:

        "name": "enfold-medical",
        "css_prefix_text": "icon-",
        "css_use_suffix": false,
        "hinting": true,
        "units_per_em": 1000,
        "ascent": 850

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I tried but it didn’t work..



    Thanks for the feedback, the dev team has looked at this issue, but unfortunately they have found it is a limitation of flaticon.

    If user is not able to generate an own unique font name for each set of icons it will be overwritten.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    So there is no way to get the two at the same time ?



    Unfortunately not.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Thanks a lot for your help !

    I’m working on an other website with the gym demo and the law icons are missing as well. Do I need to open a new threat or could you send me directly the file as you did last time ?



    the gym icons*


    Sorry for the late reply, so previously I posted the link to the “law” & “knowledgebase” icons, and now you would like the “gym” icons. Please see the link in the Private Content area.
    But, please note that you may still encounter the previous error, with the “config.json” if you try to add this to a demo that already has an icon pack.
    So you may not be able to add many icon packs to the same demo. I’m sure that if you “reset” your site and only use one demo & icon pack this will work correctly.

    Best regards,


    Hi mike,

    Actually each icon pack was for a different project and a different client (one project was about a lawyer in medical sector, that’s why I’ve tried to add two icon packs on the same theme).

    But for this new client I think it’ll be fine as I just need the gym icon pack.

    Thank’s a lot for your help, perfect as always !


    Very good, glad to hear this helped.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Yep, thank’s for the tips.



    Very good, unless there is anything else we can help with on this issue, shall we close this then?

    Best regards,

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