January 6, 2021 at 5:01 pm #1270664
(english below)
Liebes Enfold-Team, Enfold ist echt großartig und es macht echt Spaß, damit zu arbeiten.
Alelrdings habe ich hier gerade etwas, das ich nicht verstehe: Ich habe meine “speziellen Überschriften” so gestylt:
<span class=”foo_300″>KONTAKT</span>
Die Klasse “foo_300” setzt die Schrifststärke auf 300.
Daraufhin erscheint dieser Hinweis: “Warning: Characters <,>,[,] might break ALB backend or frontend. Read more if you want to use them.”
Ich habe also meine Stylinganweisung daraufhin wieder entfernt und die Klasse entsprechend unter dem Reiter “Erweitert” und der Rubrik “Entwickler-Einstellungen” eingetragen. Leider funktioniert das nicht, die Schrifst der Überschrift ist wieder dick. Die Klasse ist nach wie vor korrekt im Quick CSS-Fesnter eingetragen.Könnt Ihr mir helfen?
Webadresse und einen temporären Adminzugang deponiere ich im private content Bereich.
Vielen Dank und viele Grüße
_________________Dear Enfold team,
First of all: Enfold is great and really fun to work with. But I have something here right now that I don’t understand:To make my “special headings” slim, I styled them this way: <span class = “foo_300”> CONTACT </span>
The class “foo_300” sets the font weight to 300.
The font is now dragged slim, but I get this message:
Warning: Characters <,>, [,] might break ALB backend or frontend. Read more if you want to use them.So I removed my styling instructions and entered the class accordingly under the “Advanced” tab and the “Developer settings” section.
Unfortunately that doesn’t work, the font now appears thick again. Although the class is still correctly entered in the Quick CSS window.Can you help me?
I store the web address and temporary admin access in the private content area.
Thank you and best regards
GrobiJanuary 7, 2021 at 7:08 am #1270795Hey Grobi,
If your span markup works, then you can add it back again. The warning is just a warning, to let users know that custom markup might break the layout builder. If you don’t want to use your custom markup anymore, then we can have a closer look at it.
Best regards,
RikardJanuary 7, 2021 at 12:52 pm #1270853Hi Rikard,
thank you for your super quick answer.
If I understand you correctly, I can just keep using the span markup. Good for me.I don’t understand why the heading doesn’t react when I enter the class in the settings window provided, but I don’t think you need to investigate this further for now.
Thanks again.
Best ragards
GrobiJanuary 8, 2021 at 4:53 am #1271007Hi Grobi,
You are likely targeting the wrong element with the class. Looking at the telefon heading, you would need CSS like this:
.foo_300 .av-special-heading-tag { font-weight: 300 !important; }
Since the actual tag is the h1, not the div which the class is added to.
Best regards,
RikardJanuary 11, 2021 at 5:53 pm #1271664Hi Rikard,
of corse…. the wrong targeting!
It works, thank you very much!Best regards,
GrobiJanuary 12, 2021 at 6:49 am #1271755Hi,
I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon -
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