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  • #1426132

    Wie im Topic Title beschrieben gibt es nicht mehr die Möglichkeit mir die Custom Fields anzeigen zu lassen.
    no option for custom fields


    Hey Sebastian,
    I’m seeing the custom fields on my test site with WP v6.4.1 for posts & pages:
    Perhaps you have a plugin causing a conflict, try disabling all of your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the hint. Should I always use English in this forum? Sorry I didn’t think of it myself and searched the plugins.
    I have found the culprit. It seems to be a cookie plugin. It’s called “hellotrust”.

    I know they can’t possibly offer support for all plugins. But maybe they have experienced something similar before and can point me in the right direction to fix the problem.


    You don’t have to use English, but I hope you don’t mind that I reply in English.
    I have not seen a plugin cause this issue before and I didn’t find this in the forum posts, so I don’t know the solution and I am limited to researching third party plugins.
    Pehaps try asking the plugin author as they may know of a solution, so I was not more help.
    Please let us know if we should close this thread.

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot!
    I´ll try to get in touch with the plugin author.
    This thread can be closed.
    Best wishes :)



    Thanks for the update, we’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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