Hi all,
I’m not 100% sure if this is an Enfold issue or not.
I am using Layerslider6 plugin and when I use a text layer, the preview on the screen shows the text justified perfectly, but when I play the slider the text isn’t justified. I have it set to Inherit from theme but have also tried selecting Justified on the layer-slider plugin but still the text won’t justify when played?
Apologizes if this is outside your area, but the author seems to think its the enfold theme.
I have attached a couple of screen shots, 1 as the preview, then another when I play the slider but cant find anywhere to upload them?
Hey Darren,
You can upload your screenshots to for instance Dropbox, Google Drive or Imgur and then link to them here. Also please post a link to where we can see the problem.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
Thanks for the response.
Link to Dropbox below as well as a link to the website.
If you look at the sliders only on the home page.
the 3rd slider (Jennifer Hawkins) that is no text transition and the text justifies properly.
If you look at the next the next couple of sliders after that one you’ll the text is not justified properly. I have added transitions to those.
I have spent hours trying to fix it and the author of the plugin keeps saying it is the CSS on Enfold doing it. (I actually don’t believe him) But I am trying to get a resolution to the problem so I appreciate any help you can give.
Hi Darren,
Looks to be justified on the website on my end. Did you get it working?
Best regards,
So in short, if I use transitions the text can’t be justified properly? Like in the first 2 sliders you sent.
Hi DarrenVIP,
Looks like that.
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,