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  • #1210016


    I created this massive blog post which I posted as a page composed of many different sections separated as color sections. The post/page is here:

    I added a table of contents with jump links to the different color sections. I added unique IDs to each color section in the developer setting section of the advanced tab in each color section.

    However, when I click on any of the items in the table of contents, nothing happens. It adds the jump link to the URL (e.g.:, but it doesn’t go to that section.

    And then just to see if I force it to work, I will hit enter after the unique ID has been added to the URL, and it will take me to that section, but only temporarily, and then it jumps back up to the table of contents.

    So weird and frustrating.

    Please let me know how to resolve this ASAP as I need to start promoting this post.

    Fernando Labastida


    Hey Fernando,

    What happens if you link only to the anchor instead of the full site URL? For example:


    If that doesn’t work either then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,


    It doesn’t work either. I tried that already, and my solution was to post the whole URL. I am posting login details below.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by flabastida.

    Any ideas about this Rikard?


    It was working for a second, then I went in to make some edits and saved the page again, and then it stopped working. Did you do something to make it work that I ruined?


    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the link. I see your site is getting an error $ is not a function from /wp-content/plugins/reduce-bounce-rate/js/analyticsjs.js which is from the plugin reduce-bounce-rate
    This could be due to caching plugins or minifying, please try disabling your caching plugins and clear your server cache to see if this is corrected.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I completely deleted the plugin in question, and I cleared the cache from my site, as well as the cache from my browser, which is Chrome. I then disabled the other cache plugins: Proxy Cache Flush and WP Super Cache.

    And it still doesn’t work.

    Any other ideas Mike?



    Thank you for the feedback, I see that in your child theme you have an old version of the header.php & footer.php please try re-naming these via ftp to header.php.old & footer.php.old to temporarily disable them, then clear your browser cache and any cache plugin, and check the links.
    If this solves then you can update your header.php & footer.php with the latest versions, just be sure to include any customizations from your old files.

    Best regards,


    That worked!!!! Fantastic!

    One last thing: would I update my header.php & footer.php on my child theme from the download from Themeforest?


    And it worked! Thank you so much! I guess we can close this ticket.



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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