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  • #1151737

    I created a new WordPress installation (latest version) and the installed the newest Enfold and then imported the “SPA Demo”.
    In the frontend, none of the (slideshow) images load and the only error in the console is ì.AviaTooltip is not a constructor.
    We do also have a child theme but disabling it does not remove the error.

    I disabled the CSS and JS compression as recommended in this topic but the only thing that changed is changing i.AviaTooltip to $.AviaTooltip in the error message.

    The topic linked to above also suggests the following:

    You may also need to purge the plugin cache and re-minify the scripts and stylesheets if you haven’t done so.

    I’m non sure what that exactly means and where/how I can do these steps.

    I have also searched through all files being loaded by the page and see no definition of AviaTooltip, only two uses in shortcodes.js so I’m guessing the problem is a file not being loaded. Interestingly, avia.js is not returning any content.


    I just deleted and reinstalled the EXACT same Enfold version (same zip file) and it suddenly works…

    Apparently the last installation incorrectly created an empty avia.js file which now has content. Shouldn’t there be an error message during installation if something like this happens?



    Thank you for using the theme.

    Glad to know that it works now. Unfortunately, we can’t be sure what actually caused the issue unless it was recorded in the error logs during the installation. Please don’t hesitate to open a new thread if any issue comes up.

    Best regards,

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