March 17, 2016 at 10:00 pm #599972
Hi there,
facing a severy issue using Revolution Slider. Whilst on<li>http://www.german-lightning.com/</li> Revolution-Slider is embedded 3 times and working fine in connection with the theme image grid, on <li>http://www.german-lightning.com/company/references/</li>
the page broken.
Interesting to know might be, that I have saved the diferent sections as templates on the home-page and simply inserted them from the template manager into the broken page …
On top of all, when I activate Essential Grid plugin, even the backend designer of the theme doe not work any more! :-(
Any idea?Cheers,
Boris- This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by buhlig.
March 18, 2016 at 1:22 am #600021I’ve found the issue after reading this thread: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/page-builder-not-working-anymore/ or better tried to look into the subject from a different angle!
The issue in my case is not the child thme itself, but more the fact, that I’ve added some scriplets from the support section to add some custom post types/taxonomies to the image grid:
function add_builder_to_posttype($metabox)
foreach($metabox as &$meta)
if($meta[‘id’] == ‘avia_builder’ || $meta[‘id’] == ‘layout’)
$meta[‘page’][] = ‘testimonial’; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/
$meta[‘page’][] = ‘page’; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/
}return $metabox;
function avia_custom_query_extension($query, $params)
global $avia_config;
$query[‘order’] = $avia_config[‘avia_custom_query_options’][‘order’];
$query[‘orderby’] = $avia_config[‘avia_custom_query_options’][‘orderby’];
return $query;
}add_filter(‘avia_masonry_entries_query’, ‘avia_custom_query_extension’, 10, 2);
add_filter(‘avia_post_grid_query’, ‘avia_custom_query_extension’, 10, 2);
add_filter(‘avia_post_slide_query’, ‘avia_custom_query_extension’, 10, 2);
add_filter(‘avia_blog_post_query’, ‘avia_custom_query_extension’, 10, 2);
add_filter(‘avf_magazine_entries_query’, ‘avia_custom_query_extension’, 10, 2);add_filter(‘avf_template_builder_shortcode_elements’,’avia_custom_query_options’, 10, 1);
function avia_custom_query_options($elements)
$allowed_elements = array(‘av_blog’,’av_masonry_entries’,’av_postslider’,’av_portfolio’,’av_magazine’);if(isset($_POST[‘params’][‘allowed’]) && in_array($_POST[‘params’][‘allowed’], $allowed_elements))
$elements[] = array(
“name” => __(“Custom Query Orderby”,’avia_framework’ ),
“desc” => __(“Set a custom query orderby value”,’avia_framework’ ),
“id” => “orderby”,
“type” => “select”,
“std” => “”,
“subtype” => array(
__(‘Default Order’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>”,
__(‘Title’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’title’,
__(‘Random’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’rand’,
__(‘Date’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’date’,
__(‘Author’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’author’,
__(‘Name (Post Slug)’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’name’,
__(‘Modified’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’modified’,
__(‘Comment Count’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’comment_count’,
__(‘Page Order’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’menu_order’)
);$elements[] = array(
“name” => __(“Custom Query Order”,’avia_framework’ ),
“desc” => __(“Set a custom query order”,’avia_framework’ ),
“id” => “order”,
“type” => “select”,
“std” => “”,
“subtype” => array(
__(‘Default Order’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>”,
__(‘Ascending Order’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’ASC’,
__(‘Descending Order’, ‘avia_framework’ ) =>’DESC’));
}return $elements;
}add_filter(‘avf_template_builder_shortcode_meta’, ‘avia_custom_query_add_query_params_to_config’, 10, 4);
function avia_custom_query_add_query_params_to_config($meta, $atts, $content, $shortcodename)
global $avia_config;
if(empty($avia_config[‘avia_custom_query_options’])) $avia_config[‘avia_custom_query_options’] = array();if(!empty($atts[‘order’]))
$avia_config[‘avia_custom_query_options’][‘order’] = $atts[‘order’];
$avia_config[‘avia_custom_query_options’][‘orderby’] = $atts[‘orderby’];
}return $meta;
March 22, 2016 at 7:49 am #601722Hey!
Thank you for using Enfold.
Did you find the issue? Which of the these scripts is causing the issue?
IsmaelMarch 22, 2016 at 12:41 pm #601831Hi Ismael,
ja sorry yes. After removing the testimonial object the site is working way better. There’s still an issue with revolution slider, as the script stops the slides, even as they are set to loop indefinite …
BorisMarch 23, 2016 at 5:56 am #602310Hi Boris,
Did you move the site? I got this error when navigating to your site (in private)
Best regards,
RikardMarch 23, 2016 at 7:16 pm #602749Sorry for the typo! use “-” instead of “.” :-)
March 26, 2016 at 1:01 pm #603839Hey!
we recommend to use layer slider as it is fully compatible with Enfold, instead of revolution slider.
However I checked your homepage and it seems to be fine to me. Could you fix it? If not where can we see the issue? can you use screenshots to highlight please? use imgur.com or dropbox.
Andy -
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