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  • #997462

    Quick question – in your last major update you enabled the option of loading JQuery in the footer (thank you!).
    However, PageSpeed still says that JQuery is being called early for above the fold content on most pages.
    On my homepage it loads high up the waterfall (according to Pingdom) but I get no recommendation for JQuery and the usual render blocking advice.
    Most other pages will give me that warning/advice.
    I know that many have asked this question time and time again but is there anything planned to help overcome this?

    For example: https://www.swarez.co.uk – literally perfect scores – JQuery is loaded right after the LazyLoad placeholders – no issues reported
    However, on this page: https://www.swarez.co.uk/about/ I have the usual message about render blocking and JQuery.

    Is it because, although JQuery is loaded at the same time on the Homepage, there aren’t any calls for it to be used above the fold? Any help would be appreciated as I am trying to understand this a bit better.
    Will anything change for Gutenberg? Tried it today and it’s awful!!!!
    If Jquery is loaded in the footer how come it appears above all other scripts on Pingdom’s reports? Can’t it be loaded further down and would that make any difference?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Swarez.

    Hey Swarez,

    To be honest I couldn’t find any obvious reasons which would make any difference. I just took a quick look at it but the relevant code seems to be similar. I wouldn’t spend too much time on improving the grade because it’s just a generic analysis – also see: https://docs.wp-rocket.me/article/85-google-page-speed-grade-does-not-improve

    Best regards,


    Hey @dude
    Thanks for the reply; I appreciate you taking time to do that. All points noted, thank you
    You can close the thread.


    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for the feedback. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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