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  • #1295705

    Hello :) I’m installing a contact form on our website here: https://reincleftonlaw.com/ada-appointments-accessible/

    Eight fields down, for a field titled “Brief Description of Your Legal issue – 1000 characters maximum (required)” – there is a javascript-based character counter that won’t work correctly.

    The desired behavior is for the counter to dynamically count the characters typed to let the person know when their description is almost too long, so they can edit and/or trim it down.

    Currently, when one types into the field, nothing happens.

    This worked fine with our old theme (can’t remember what that was though :)

    Thanks for any help you can give!



    Hey lisa,

    Is that added using a plugin or third party code? Our support is limited when it comes to debugging third party solutions, and the theme cannot be compatible with all plugins or third party code.

    Please try reaching out to authors of the code first of all, to see if they can help you out.

    Best regards,

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