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  • #622543

    So I have updated my WP to 4.5 & my Enfold theme is 3.5.4 .

    Upon updating WP I ran into the issue where all images on site are left blank.

    I found your thread which states to update all plugins/themes etc. So i did that. Still didn’t fix the issue.

    Ive entered in your javascript

    function modify_jquery() {
    if (!is_admin()) {
    wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘’);
    add_action(‘init’, ‘modify_jquery’);

    Which fixed the issue, but you state this is a temporary fix because it sets your js to an older version.

    Im just wondering if everything is up to date ( I only have around 5 plugins) then what is the issue?



    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by nickp1234.

    Hey Nick!

    Thanks for getting in touch with us!

    I visited your site and everything is working as it should. All images are loading and being displayed. See my screenshot in the Private Content section. If you are not seeing the images on your end then try clearing your browser’s cache and refreshing the page.

    Best regards,


    the reason my site is working for you is not because of my caches. it is because I have the javascript inserted that you recommended. In my original message you will read that I have followed your protocol to fixing this but you say that it is only temporary. I am looking for the permanent fix if all of my plugins are up to date.




    Hey Nick!

    Thanks for getting back to me!

    The code added to the functions.php is the temporary fix and your site is up and running. A permanent fix is being worked on and will be included in a future theme update. So not to worry, your site is fine and is up and running.

    Feel free to let me know if there is anything else you need.


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