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  • #1461923

    Hey Stegemueller,

    A theme license is valid for life, and that includes 6 months or support. Once those 6 months are over and if you still need support, then you would have to renew your support license.

    We can’t help you out with your technical problem unless we can actually see it, you can post admin WordPress login details in private and let us know how to reproduce it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    Thanks a lot for your reply!

    Can you help me get all my money back? I also was sure, that the license was a life time license. But why did the site tell me, that the license ran out in 2021 then? Suddenly I have 3 licenses …

    I will put logon details in the Private section.
    The problem is that it is not possible to add content in the Accordions. You have to look at the Accordion number 2 (the one below the uppe one) here, where the Danish headline is: “Sektion for administratorer”:

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update. You need to reach out to Themeforest in order to request for a refund.

    The login details you posted are not working, please check and verify.

    Best regards,


    How do I contact Themeforest? Which mailadress?

    I am sorry for the wrong credentials. I try again. This time I have checked.



    You can try here for example:

    About your accordions; there seems to be a lot of unnecessary markup in your content, for example:

    <div id="toggle-id-10" class="toggle_wrap active_tc">
    <div class="toggle_content invers-color av-inherit-font-color hasCustomColor av-inherit-border-color">

    Could you try cleaning up in your content to see if that helps? You could also try to rebuild the second one, since the first one seems to be working as expected.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard

    But they have worked for a long time (several years)

    The problem is now is if I try to ta content into a toggle it does not work. The content does not go in there.
    I have made tried to make number 2 as a template from number 1, and I have tried to make a completely new on on a new page from scratch. The problem is the same. I can not build Accordions at all.

    You can see on my test site (same credentials): there they work, but I dare not touch them as the second Accordion is pretty complicated, and I need something to copy from.

    My test site is here:

    Best regards,


    Thank you for the link to your sites, when I compare your live site accordion to your test site I don’t see a difference, I copied your second toggle to a new “Test Toggle” on your ste site and it works as expected:
    Enfold Support 6289
    so I don’t understand why you say that you can’t create new toggles. I see that you have added “Advanced Editor Tools” plugin to add extra options to the ALB builder, perhaps there is a conflict with these plugins, try disabling them and only use the theme ALB option when creating the toggles.
    If this doesn’t help please explain what steps we need to take to reprodce your error.

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike

    Yesterday I tried to make a clean test built on a template from the original one. You find it here: (same credentials).

    Try to click on the first toggle “Sektion for administratorer”. You will see that the content is not shown – it only has the headline “Sektion for administratorer”.

    If you go to backend you’ll see that it has a lot of content:

    “Siderne i indeværende FAQ erstatter på ingen måde TNG Wiki og al den hjælp og støtte, du kan finde der, efterhånden som du læser siderne, hjælpen i afsnittet “Yderligere information” i filen readme.html eller mulighederne for at stille spørgsmål i TNG Forum.” and so on.

    The problem is: I can put content into toggles – but when I want to see it on frontend, it is not possible.

    Best regards,


    Thanks, as Rikard pointed out, your toggle content has toggle divs which breaks it, it looks like you copied HTML and added it to the toggle, I removed this for you:
    Enfold Support 6293
    now it works, please be careful when pasting content and review in the “text” tab when you do to ensure you don’t have extra divs which may break your page.

    Best regards,


    Hi there
    Thanks for your replies.
    1. Now I have to copy the accordion from my test site ( to my live site (
    2. I log into the test site. I click on the Accordion icon under “Sektion for administratorer” to get to the texts/the back end
    3. Nothing happens. I get a blank screen
    4. That Accordion has a lot of content, and I created the toggles many years ago, so I really need to copy from here.

    How can I get to the back end?

    Best regards,
    Hanne B. Stegemüller


    Try to Enable the Avia Layout Builder Debug and copy the page shortcode and add this to your new site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    Thanks for your reply.

    Well – I saved of the toggles in the Accordion number 2 from my test site, and then something happened to the functions.php on the test site. I don’t know what. So I’ve broken my test site.

    I more or less manually have rebuild most of the toogles via the back end on the live site. And I’m happy with that. If you look here on the live site: you can see that there are many more togggles than before.

    But suddenly, when I go the back end a click on the icon “Accordion” I get a blank page again.I don’t understand how that happens.
    Earlier you instructed me to make this change to functions.php

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
      return "debug";

    I am afraid of ruining also my live site, so I need to ask:
    Is it the function.php from my child theme or the function.php from Enfold theme?
    Best regards


    Hello again

    I have tried with both function.php.
    No matter what I do I can not edit the Accordion. I only get a blank page. Please assist

    Best regards,


    I read instruction more carefull (sorry)
    I added this

    //set builder mode to debug
    add_action('avia_builder_mode', "builder_set_debug");
    function builder_set_debug()
      return "debug";

    And now it says that there is a critical error on my site: also on my my live site – also when I remove this code

    I don’t know what to do. Please help me


    Hello again

    Sorry for the panic! Now I am safe – but I still need some support.

    1) I found out that it is possible to go to Theme Options -> Layout Builder.-> Debug Mode (Backend Only) -> And choose “Enable for admins only”. Here this setting does not break the site.If I do it via functions.php in the child theme the site breaks down.

    2) I managed to copy all my codes: meaning now all the toggles are back in the bottom Accordion. You can see them here:

    3) I have cloned my live site to my test site via WP Toolkit. It works.

    4) Neither on the live site nor on the test site is it possible to edit the page by clicking on the bottom Accordion icon. Only a blank screen is returned.

    5) I have searched the code for <div> and </div>. There are none.

    6) Now my question is: How do I open the bottom Accordion. (I can open the top Accordion just fine).


    Are you still there or am I forgotten?

    Best regards,



    Sorry for the late reply. I’m not sure what is causing this to happen, but it’s very likely something in the content which was added. Please try to recreate the element from scratch, and copy your content in bit by bit to see when the problem starts. You could either copy the content from the shortcodes, or inspect the content on the front end and copy it from there. I’ve created a test page if you want something to experiment with.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard
    Thanks for your reply and for the test page.
    I see that also here it is not possible to enter the toggles via clicking on the icon “Accordion”
    You write “copy your content in bit by bit to see when the problem starts”.
    I want to do exactly what you want me to do, so can you please tell me, what exactly you want me to do? I guess the easiest way is to work in the codes.

    Best ragards,



    Yes, you could either copy the content from the shortcodes, or inspect (right click, then select Inspect) the element on the front end in your browser. You could also simply copy the text from the front end, then add styling and links after you are done copying and when you know everything is working as expected.

    Best regards,


    Hello again

    I did the following – something must be wrong with Accordions

    1) In the test you made it is not possible to open Accordion via clicking on the icon.
    2) I went through all the codes and there is nothing that should not be there (strange <span></span>. There was a strange   so deleted it. After this review it is still not possible to open the Accordion via clicking on the icon.
    3) I made a completely new page: where I made 3 toggles via copying content from the live sites front end.
    4) I realize that on I can click on the icon to go to Accordion. I add the content, but in the right side of the page the content is not visible.
    5) On live: the content is not shown. Only the name of the toggle is shown. But the content is there.
    6) It does not matter whether “Debug mode – Back-end only” is on or off.

    What is wrong?

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the update. Please have a look at the page in private, I’ve created a new Accordion element and started copying the content from your existing page. Could you try continuing on that page please?

    Best regards,


    Hi there

    You can close this case, as the work – debugging your product – is too much compared to what I as a customer get out of it.

    I have found that I can create new Accordions without any problems.

    It is very mysterious that this particular Accordion suddenly stops working after having worked for years. And after I haven’t changed the content for years.

    If I need to correct the content of the faulty Accordion, I now know how to access the code.

    Sincerely yours
    Hanne B. Stegemüller



    Thanks for the update, we’ll close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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