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  • #695991

    I’ve just updated to Enfold 3.8 and now all my coding in my WPML doesn’t seem to be working. I’ve used the code from your support tread https://kriesi.at/support/topic/remove-language-switcher-flags-in-header/ which has worked fine up til now.

    I’ve don’t want the flags to be shown in the menubar and also I only want the inactive language written in letters to be shown in the menubar.


    Hey AnineOlsen,

    Could you also provide login details to your WordPress dashboard so that we can assist you further.

    Best regards,


    Hi Jordan,

    I´ve added login details under private content.

    Best regards



    Could you try deactivating all plugins to see if one of them is causing a conflict please?

    Best regards,


    Just tried that and it didn’t change anything.

    Best regards



    We modified the code in the functions.php file a bit. Please remove browser cache or hard refresh the page.

    add_action('init','ava_remove_lang_flags', 9999);
    function ava_remove_lang_flags() {
    	remove_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'avia_append_lang_flags', 9998, 2 );
    	remove_filter( 'avf_fallback_menu_items', 'avia_append_lang_flags', 9998, 2 );
            remove_action( 'avia_meta_header', 'avia_wpml_language_switch', 10);
            add_action('avia_after_footer_columns', 'avia_wpml_language_switch', 10);

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    That’s great. Now my frontpage works but on my Danish version of the blog the English blogs are not shown even though that’s what I’ve put in my settings: http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/1735273/995068b21666a8d6bec80005aa9a5a0e



    That option will only affect posts rendered in the index.php file, which is not use by the theme. You have to translate the posts and its categories then use the blog posts element or set the blog page in the Theme Options > Where do you want to display blog? option.

    // https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/translating-post-categories-and-custom-taxonomies/

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Maybe you misunderstood my message. Before the theme update I had chosen to display the English blog posts on my Danish version of the site since I haven’t translated the blog posts.

    Now nothing is shown except from a error message:

    Hope You can help soon so my site can be up and running perfectly again.




    Thank you for the update. I understand your inquiry just fine. You can’t display the posts from a different language when you’re using the theme. This option will only work if you’re using a default theme like twentysixteen because it is using the index.php file. Unfortunately, the theme is not using that file to display posts so you have to translate the posts and its categories or custom taxonomies.

    Best regards,



    UPDATE: Please ignore my posts above. I was caught up with the advance layout builder feature of the theme, focused on the blog posts element and I forgot the default index.php file. It is possible to display the posts if you set the blog as the blog page in the Enfold > Theme Options > Where do you want to display blog? settings. We set the blog page and it display the posts from the english language.

    // http://mikeyoungacademy.dk/da/blog/

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Great now the English blogs are display on the Danish version.

    But even though the settings are the same the hole blog posts are shown on the Danish version and not just an excerpt with read more link. Can we fix that too?

    Best regards



    excerpt function is a standard WordPress feature and not a theme one. Please check out this for example: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-themes/how-to-display-post-excerpts-in-wordpress-themes/

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    Yes but the function worked fine before I updated my Enfold Theme. And why is it that the excerpt function works fine on my English version of the site http://mikeyoungacademy.dk/blog/ but not on the Danish version http://mikeyoungacademy.dk/da/blog/ – even though the settings in the Avia Page Builder Post Blogs element are the same?

    Best regards



    This is the limitation of the said W P M L option. It has to use the index.php file hence the posts will not display if we set the Blog Layout to use the advance layout builder. You can try the following plugin.

    // https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-excerpt/

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I just don’t understand why it is working on my test site where I haven’t updated my Enfold theme:

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by AnineOlsen.


    when updating a plugin or a theme, then of course lots of changes are implemented. Some changes of a new version might cause this.
    Best to use the plugin Ismael mentioned to you.

    Best regards,

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