Hello Sirs,
Congratulations! You have a great theme!
1. I would like to move the search box to the right as the screenshot: https://prnt.sc/fdvvdg
2. How can I deactivate the search box to get bigger during search? I need a fixed element. See screenshot: https://prnt.sc/fdvz10
3. Search box sticks with the sticky header. How can I fix that? see screenshot: https://prnt.sc/fdvxxp
add_filter(‘wp_nav_menu_items’, ‘do_shortcode’);
add_shortcode(‘avia_search’, ‘get_search_form’);
add_action( ‘ava_main_header’, ‘enfold_customization_header_widget_area’ );
function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() {
dynamic_sidebar( ‘header’ );
Quick CSS:
#text-9 {
margin-top: 12px;
left: -50%;
.header_color input[type=’submit’]{
#header .widget {
left: 70%;
padding-top: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
transform: translate(-50%);
z-index: 999;
#top #searchform .ajax_search_response {
background: #ffffff;
I also followed your instructions in your post: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/adding-a-widget-area-to-the-header/
I need your precious support.
Thank You in advance,
Hello Sirs,
I resolved all above thru older postings!!
I give the solutions for others might have some issues:
(1. + 2.):
#header .widget {
right: -5%;
left: 80%;
padding-top: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
transform: translate(-50%);
z-index: 999;
3. Just disappear search form during scroll with the following code:
.header-scrolled #text-9 { display: none; }
(#text-9 is the class of the element.)
Thanks for sharing the solution :)
Best regards,
John Torvik