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  • #260167

    Hello there :)

    Im running the latest version of Enfold and have the following issue with VIDEOS. Here’s what I do:

    1) insert video in post and publish. I can see video featured on post when accessing /blog page
    2) I put articles shortcode element inside another page and cannot see the preview of the video nor anything else

    Can you help?

    Thank you


    Hi Gurify!

    What shortcode are you using to pull in posts to another page? If its call the WordPress excerpt then that is just how WordPress renders excerpts: it doesn’t recognize any html, video or image elements in them. This is even when the excerpt is being generated from the first chunk of text or data automatically.

    Best regards,


    Ok thank so lets me put it another way.

    If I have a post that has a Video format and I wish to display that only post on a page different than the blog by means of a shortcode (magazine, article slider, articles) which shortcode makes it possible to have the video of that post displayed on that page?

    I hope ive been clear :) thank you


    The only element I know of that will auto output a video from the link using the WordPress oembed is the blog element. Everything else needs to have a feature image set for it to output anything in the elements (magazine, post slider etc).

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    Inside of the post the video should be linked to by its direct link (as plain text). If you want it in the post body (where text is usually) that is all it takes. Otherwise if you set it as a video post type it will be where the featured image area is.

    You just cant use the excerpt options because WordPress can’t render anything inside excerpts.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Devin.
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