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  • #997456

    Hi Guys,

    On my second website im running on 4.3 and now trying to update to 4.4.1.
    It just say error updating theme.

    I found some threads about same issue. You suggest updating with FTP.
    I would need to download latest version from themeforest. Problem is im not sure if i got correct files from themeforest.
    In your documentation update via FTP it shows there should be version.txt but in file i can download i cannot find that version.txt. Its not just that but file i get from themeforest and file in your update via ftp tutorial are totally different.

    So im not sure if i have correct file to upload via FTP.


    Hey FinHenri,

    Sorry for the problems. The files you get from Themeforest are correct, you can safely update using those. If you want to find the version you can open style.css.

    Best regards,

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