This is in response to the answer #262980, my topic was close and i am having trouble with the child theme.
The child theme is installed, i changed the code on the functions-enfold.php but it doesn’t work. If i add the same file to the parent theme, it works. Is there maybe another code that i need to add so the child theme can read it?
thanks for your help
Hi Shanti!
A child theme version of functions-enfold.php will not replace the parent because the file is included in the parent at the end of the functions.php file.
You can add the function as a whole (avia_post_nav) to your regular child theme functions since the functions all have checks to see if that function has been created already and the child theme functions.php runs first.
Best regards,
thank you, it works now :)
You are welcome, glad we could help :)