Hello :)
I have a serious issue on my site. When I publish a new post my homepage slug and meta descriptions change completely! They take the slugs and meta descriptions of other posts, not just one!
For example just now i published a post and the slug of my homepage took the slug of the post, while the meta descriptions of my home changed and took the ones of another different post. Its crazy and I dont know if this is happening for other pages as well or posts.
I have seo by yoast activated and I tried to turn it off but then I cant see what happens to the meta descriptions.
Could you please help me?
Hey Gurify!
Please insert this code into the enfold/functions.php or child theme functions.php file:
function avia_remove_yoast_filter()
remove_filter('wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content','avia_wpseo_pre_analysis_post_content_fix', 10, 1);
remove_filter('wpseo_video_index_content','avia_wpseo_video_content_fix', 10, 2);
Best regards,
Hi Gurify,
another temporary solution is to use the “magazine” element instead of the blog.
I encountered the exactly same bug, documented here:
Best Regards
Thanks for your hint :)
I modified the functions.php file for you.
Best regards,
Thank you so much :)