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  • #760718

    the label in a select element should be a label and not a part of the selectable choices.
    But your form acts exactly like that.
    You can visit it here:

    “Welche Mappe darf es sein” is the label.
    The rest are the choices and you see – thats messed up.

    Here is the code of the form:
    [av_contact_field label='Welche Mappe darf es sein?' type='select' options='Kindergartenfotografie, Grundschulfotografie, Schulfotografie, Abschlussklassen' multi_select='aviaTBaviaTBmulti_select' check='' width=''][/av_contact_field]

    What do we have to do to fix that?

    Kind regards


    Hey pixopolis2222,

    You can go to Text mode in the editor and add to the first option (which is a label) the attribute disabled=disabled.

    Let us know if you have any more questions.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria.
    1: there is no need to go to text mode since we can access the shortcode cause we activated the Avia debug mode via functions.php
    2: None of the versions we tried worked. Can you be a little more precise and let us know where exactly the option should be and how it has to be written (this seem not correct to me:disabled=disabled ?

    Kind regards


    Hi Max,

    Not sure if you can specify via shortcode that the first option has to have the disabled attribute. Some browsers used to be more strict about attributes and did not like the attributes without value stated explicitly like so disabled=disabled, but these days you can just use disabled.

    Here what html is supposed to look like

    If you can achieve it via functions.php – great! :)
    Let us know if you have any more questions.
    Best regards,


    Sorry Victoria – but this obvious is a bug so it should be in your companys responsability to fix that.
    Here is the code again:
    Please put your attribute on the place you think its correct and repost it here.
    Thanx Max

    [av_contact email='kontakt@.........de' title='Mustermappe bestellen' button='Senden' on_send='' sent='Ihre Nachricht wurde versendet!' link='manually,https://' subject='Mustermappe wurde bestellt' autorespond='' captcha='' hide_labels='aviaTBhide_labels' form_align='' color='' custom_class='']
    [av_contact_field label='Firma' type='text' options='' check='' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Name' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Straße, Hausnummer' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='PLZ, Ort' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='E-Mail' type='text' options='' check='is_email' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Telefon' type='text' options='' check='is_phone' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Betreff' type='text' options='' check='' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Nachricht' type='text' options='' check='' width='' multi_select=''][/av_contact_field]
    [av_contact_field label='Welche Mappe darf es sein?' type='select' disabled='disabled' options='Kindergartenfotografie, Grundschulfotografie, Schulfotografie, Abschlussklassen' multi_select='aviaTBaviaTBmulti_select' check='' width=''][/av_contact_field]

    Hi pixopolis2222,

    Try this line for the multi select code:

    [av_contact_field label='Welche Mappe darf es sein?' type='select'  options=' , Kindergartenfotografie, Grundschulfotografie, Schulfotografie, Abschlussklassen' multi_select='aviaTBaviaTBmulti_select' check='' width=''][/av_contact_field]

    Let us know if this was helpful.
    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Victoria.


    If you don’t see the code, try here.

    Best regards,

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