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  • #1340927


    I have an issue I can’t reorder images on my masonry gallery. I have added new image Jean Claude Nattes and want to reorder so all images are in alphabetical order but does not work. I am on latest version of enfold. I have also deactivated plugins without success. Can you please help

    Url is at I have posted a longin

    Please can you help



    I´ve got the same problem. It seems to me, that the problem is the update of WordPress to 5.9. I´ve checked it after every update of an extension/plugin and it worked. After the update to wordpress 5.9 the re-ordering doesn´t work anymore (also not with the newest enfold-download).

    Thank you & best regards,


    Yes I have checked this across all my enfold sites and now not working on any


    Same issue here ….
    I can’t reorder pictures inside the gallery anymore!


    This issue should be resolved in upcoming WordPress 5.9.1

    In the meantime you can add this snippet to your functions.php or as a code snippet to restore the feature:

    function ava_custom_css_admin_mod() {
        echo '<style>
          .wp-core-ui .attachments:after {
              visibility: hidden;
              display: block;
              font-size: 0;
              content: " ";
              clear: both;
              height: 0;
     add_action('admin_head', 'ava_custom_css_admin_mod');

    Thank you!

    I think it is better to wait for the next release. I’m not a huge fan of extra codes …

    And, by the way, I installed the latest theme update, and a major issue with my fonts happened, so we brought back the older version. Even with all the font settings, the theme only showed Arial font everywhere.
    I hope this will also be fixed on the next release.




    @akhurst_machinery: Please feel free to open another thread regarding the font issue. Temporarily, you can use the hook or snippet that @steve provided above to fix the gallery sorting. A definite fix will hopefully be included on WordPress 5.9.1.

    Best regards,


    That´s working perfect Steve! Thank you very much!!! :)
    Kind regards,


    Thanks @steve .
    But how do I open a new thread? I only see the option of searching …


    Hi @akhurst_machinery,

    You can start new threads in Enfold sub forum – :)

    Best regards,

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