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  • #194685


    As I anticipated on Themforest we have an issue on

    The issue is with breadcrumbs acting strange.

    If I access a portfolio item page from the portfolio item page breadcrumb will look like this:
    Home / Itinerari / Baita Angelini, Dolomiti Zoldane

    But if I access the same page from the Home the portfolio item page breadrcumb will look like this:
    Home / Chi Sono / Baita Angelini, Dolomiti Zoldane

    This is completely weird. I dont want those breadrcrumb to display whatever pages I accesed it from. But I want to display only in this way:
    Home / Itinerari / Potrfolio Item Page Name

    IT MUST HAVE THE WORD “ITINERARI” in the middle and nothing else.

    Kindly advice asap on how to get this fixed for good.

    Thank you in advance for your quickest reply



    Is this support forum working?



    Please excuse the late reply. If you just want to display the portfolio category in the breadcrumb insert following code at the bottom of functions.php

    function avia_remove_portfolio_breadcrumb(){

    This post: explains why the breadcrumb may vary.

    Best regards,


    Hello, it worked. Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by Gurify.
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