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  • #1427218


    I am having issue loading the latest version of the theme.
    My database is running 6.4.1 and the server is running php 8.1.26

    Is the latest version compatible with 6.4.1?



    Hey woogie07,

    Enfold is compatible with the latest version of WordPress and the PHP version you are running. Could you try to explain the problem you are having a bit further please?

    Best regards,



    The error issue is saying that the server needs to be running minumum php 7.0. for WordPress 6.4.1
    The server is actually running v8.1.26, so not sure why.

    Anything else I can check?



    This is the error I get even though the server is running php 8.1.26



    Thank you for the update.

    WP-CLI response: ‘[error]FailedToExecuteWpCliCommand: exit status 1[/error] Your server is running PHP version 5.6.40 but WordPress 6.4.1 requires at least 7.0.0.’

    Are you using WP CLI to install the theme? Have you tried manually installing and activating it in the dashboard? Even though PHP 8.1.26 is installed, it’s possible that the default PHP version on your server is still 5.6.40, and it is still being used to execute WP CLI. You may need to contact your hosting provider to confirm this.

    Best regards,

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