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  • #1336947

    Hi guys

    Long time Enfold user here – and I’m a little stumped and need to know if there’s a way to do something.

    I’m building a new site on Enfold, and have created a template in the layout builder. The site is not an ecommerce store.

    What I’d like to do is import data (using spreadsheet/csv), to create individual pages in bulk/quickly, rather than manually create each page by hand (which will take forever, as the site has hundreds of pages).

    Is there a way to do this with Enfold and the Avia builder?

    For example, for Enfold to understand each row in the spreadsheet/csv is an individual page/post (and to create it if it doesn’t already exist, or check if there are changes based on data comparison).

    I understand I’d need to “map” the fields/columns in the spreadsheet with matching elements in Enfold/Avia, so it recognizes the data (ie map “image” column in the spreadsheet, to the “image” element in the template), but once that’s done, I’m hoping I could just press “import”, and it would import (or update, if the data is already there) and create each individual page/post, following the template I’d setup earlier.

    Please advise if this is possible, and if so, if you have documentation regarding this? As it would be extremely useful


    Looking forward to your response.


    Hey adapt,

    That might be possible, but we don’t have a solution for that unfortunately. Creating such functionality would likely take a very long time, so it would be considered out of scope of theme support.

    Best regards,


    Understood, thanks for the response.

    Perhaps something you guys may consider for a future update, as it would be fantastic for ecommerce sites, where you need to build out hundreds if not thousands of product pages on the fly, and it just implements the template you’ve created for it.



    Thanks for the update and suggestion, we’ll keep that in mind for a future release of the theme :-)

    Best regards,

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