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  • #188577

    I installed Enfold locally and have no plugins. I am running wordpress 3.7.1. The theme worked well uploading the sample content. But one HUGE issue for me. The drag and drop functionality is only working on the page type (not a post). Is this really how it works? The main reason I bought was the drag and drop functionality. Please tell me I am missing something.
    Page view with drag-and-drop Aria working well:

    Post view with drag-and-drop Aria broken:

    I have not touched either WP or the theme, both virgin installs

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by brandonguy.

    Hey brandonguy!

    No, this is correct. Posts are not considered by typical WordPress standards to be points where you customize the output heavily. If you were to say switch themes and had been using the advanced layout builder to customize the hundreds of posts you’ve written then they would all suddenly lose their style.

    Your RSS feed would also be a mix of shortcodes and text with no visible way to really read it except by visiting the site.

    So while you could enable them for posts, it isn’t supported and not really recommended.



    Can you at least give me a hint to which file to start chopping up? I don’t really care about RSS or reverse compatibility.


    You can add posts to the page array in config-templatebuilder>avia-template-builder>config>meta.php:
    array( 'title' =>__('Avia Layout Builder','avia_framework' ), 'id'=>'avia_builder', 'page'=>array('portfolio','page'), 'context'=>'normal', 'priority'=>'high', 'expandable'=>true ),

    Just keep in mind that with WordPress posts are not meant for page data so using them like pages can have unintended results for future updates.


    Are you guys developing something that make us able with a single button to work in posts just as we work with pages?



    As far as i know, no, because of the reasons Devin explained above and i posted on your other topic.
    P.S.: I am closing this thread as you already have a related topic.


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