I know it’s not really related to your theme support, but I wonder if you guys have any idea/tips on how I can achieve that.
I’m trying to place in a Fullwidth Easy Slider caption title and in a Special Heading element a text that is mixed with static and dynamically insert the page title.
for example:
WELCOME TO THE PAGE: <page name>!
Hey 0_o,
You can try adding following code to Functions.php file in Appearance > Editor
function av_title_sc( ){
echo "<h1 class='page-title'>". get_the_title() ."</h1>";
add_shortcode( 'av_page_title', 'av_title_sc' );
and add following shortcode to your page [av_page_title] to display the title :)
Best regards,
Hi Yigit! Thank you for your super-fast response!
This code didn’t work for me but a similar code did:
function av_title_sc( ){
return get_the_title();
add_shortcode( 'av_page_title', 'av_title_sc' );
My only issue right now is that I can’t use this shortcode in the Fullwidth Easy Slider caption title field, but it does work in the Fullwidth Easy Slider caption text field.
When I try to enter this shortcode in caption title, it breaks the slider completely, the slider doesn’t load on the website, and when I try to edit the slider in Avia the slider editor doesn’t work, I have to revert the page back to an earlier revision.