Tagged: menu
i just messed up my menu. :-/ And i can’t remember how it looked like (the text and everything).
Is there a possiblility to get to the version ? i saved an hour ago ?
The topic “Services” was a megamenu with text and even pictures i think (i edited it together with my customer long ago, that is why i dont remember it). i just rember that it wasnt a simple submenu, the way it looks now.
i fear i know your answer. versioning is only for pages, not for menues, right ?
thanx in advance,
karoline munich
Hey karowebdesign,
Sorry, the versioning is a wordpress core function and it is only for pages and posts.
Is there a chance that a different menu was selected and your menu is in tact and just not selected?
Best regards,
ok, what a pity. no, it is not deselected, i really “cleaned up”.
You can use backup plugins like https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/backupwordpress/ to make regular backups of the database. These backups will help you to restore the menus if something goes wrong.
Best regards,