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  • #1310642

    I was hoping to use a WPForms integration. Is it possible to do this inside the Advanced Layout Editor? Or if not, is there a best practice way to do this?

    If I switch a page back the default block editor and add the form, then I lose all the CSS formatting etc…



    Hey cj_envato,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    What you do you mean exactly? There is no native configuration for the WPForms plugin in the theme or the builder but you can still add the contact form by inserting its shortcode in a code or text block element within the builder.

    [wpforms id="25"]

    Best regards,


    Oh – well that was easy : )




    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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