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  • #695440


    I would like to show the sidebar menu in the services pages but it very akward in the mobile view. Here is the screen:

    Is it possible to have it displayed in the mobile view like its in this page (private).

    Best Regards,


    Hey pimroll,

    It seems like you used a plugin and figured it out already as it seems responsive on my end? :)

    Best regards,


    Hello Yigit,

    Actually I was not thinking about it being responsive but I meant, that is it possible to have the drop-down menu like its here:

    And display it only in the mobile view.

    The page where its live its in the private in the post above.

    Best Regards,



    You can try adding Fullwidth Sub Menu element under Content Elements tab of Advanced Layout Builder and choose to display it only on mobile –

    Best regards,


    Hello Yigit,

    Ok but how can I change the fullwitch submenu font colour?

    Best Regards,


    And also could you tell me how to change the “Menu” I would like to translate it.

    I found it in the line of config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/menu.php:309

    Does that mean, I have to login to FTP server and overwrite the file to translate it.

    I tried to use Loco Translate but its not working for some reason.

    Best Regards,


    Hello Yigit,

    I found out how to change the font code, I used this code:
    #top .av-subnav-menu li a > .avia-menu-text {
    color: #FF6000; font:strong;

    But I have still question about the translation of the”Menu”.



    Glad you figured it out!

    Please use this free software – to edit language files in Enfold/lang folder or use this plugin – to translate the string :)


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