Please Enfold Support can you notify the community if and when the Theme is working with WordPress 4.51 or that they should wait with updates.
It is not the best service not making a clear announcement – some are using your theme for living ( maybe multiple sites ) and are ambassadors for your work. So the question shall we wait to update or not ???
IMHO enfold is working fine, and WP 4.5 (4.5.1) is running fine in most cases. There are some people having problems because of many different reasons, for example using an old php-version or have some server limitations, so it appears as if it would be a bug in theme / core or both.
So it’s a question of
“Never change a running system” vs “Keep WP updated”
Hi Cherrmann… question then… I make a point of it to keep everything up to date, wordpress and plugins. How important then is regular WordPress updates?
We have released an enfold update to match the changes made in the latest version of wordpress 4.5
If you are not using a child theme please backup any custom changes you may have added to the theme and update enfold to latest version 3.5.4 make sure you have the correct API key from themeforest.
In most cases after the update the browser cache is not refreshed and hence they stills ee the old version of the files. Please make sure you press Crtl + F5 to do a hard refresh and review the site again.
Should you have any issue please feel free to get back to us with a link to your site.