October 28, 2020 at 5:33 pm #1256423
Hi guys,
I have disabled the Category Meta for the blog posts but the code still shows those categories and a redirect.
<main class=’content units av-content-small alpha av-blog-meta-comments-disabled av-blog-meta-category-disabled av-blog-meta-html-info-disabled av-blog-meta-tag-disabled’ >
<article class=’post-entry post-entry-type-standard post-entry-3628 post-loop-1 post-parity-odd post-entry-last single-big post-3628 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-accidentes-de-auto category-accidentes-de-construccion tag-abogado-accidentes-transito tag-abogado-lesiones-personales tag-abogados-de-accidentes-de-trabajo tag-accidentes-de-construccion’ ><div class=’blog-meta’></div><div class=’entry-content-wrapper clearfix standard-content’><header class=”entry-content-header”><div class=”av-heading-wrapper”><span class=”blog-categories minor-meta”>Accidentes Auto, Accidentes Construcción </span><h1 class=’post-title entry-title ‘ > Cómo Elegir el Mejor Abogado de Accidentes y Lesiones Personales Para Tu Caso <span class=’post-format-icon minor-meta’></span> </h1></div>
The reason I disabled the display of the Category Meta is because my categories are displayed much nicely on ALB pages and there is a redirect from /category/page to /page This creates hundreds of redirects and it impacts SEO negatively.
How can I get rid of the invisible to the human eye but not to bots redirect?
(Ideally, we could have custom Enfold pages for Categories – hint, hint) ;)
Thank you in advance for your prompt reply,
October 29, 2020 at 10:42 pm #1256896Hey havi,
Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.
Best regards,
VictoriaOctober 29, 2020 at 10:47 pm #1256898Hi Victoria!
Definitely. Sending it to you on the private content.
Best regards,
November 5, 2020 at 6:07 am #1258528Hi,
Thank you for the update.
What happens when you disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings? Please post the login details in the private field and enable the Appearance > Editor panel so that we could check the site further.
Best regards,
IsmaelNovember 8, 2020 at 9:56 pm #1259133Hi Ismael.
Sending you access to the Staging site. I disabled compression and cleared the cache (Staging is not cached) accessed the page with Chrome incognito mode and the url with /category/ is still there.
This happens on all my sites no matter what editor you use Classic or Block.
Thank you!
November 10, 2020 at 11:33 am #1259524Hi,
Thank you for the info.
In the staging site, the category meta info does not display beside the date and author meta. Did you enable some sort of html compression in the live site?
Best regards,
IsmaelNovember 17, 2020 at 7:32 pm #1261085Hi Ismael,
What do you mean? Category meta info does not display on either staging or live site. But the link to the category is in the code. That is the problem. If category is not displayed, there should not be a category in the code.
<main class=’content units av-content-small alpha av-blog-meta-comments-disabled av-blog-meta-category-disabled av-blog-meta-html-info-disabled av-blog-meta-tag-disabled’ >
<article class=’post-entry post-entry-type-standard post-entry-3628 post-loop-1 post-parity-odd post-entry-last single-big post-3628 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-accidentes-de-auto category-accidentes-de-construccion tag-abogado-accidentes-transito tag-abogado-lesiones-personales tag-abogados-de-accidentes-de-trabajo tag-accidentes-de-construccion’ ><div class=’blog-meta’></div><div class=’entry-content-wrapper clearfix standard-content’><header class=”entry-content-header”><div class=”av-heading-wrapper”><span class=”blog-categories minor-meta”>Accidentes Auto, Accidentes Construcción </span><h1 class=’post-title entry-title ‘ > Cómo Elegir el Mejor Abogado de Accidentes y Lesiones Personales Para Tu Caso <span class=’post-format-icon minor-meta’></span> </h1></div>
The reason I disabled the display of the Category Meta is because my categories are displayed much nicely on ALB pages and there is a redirect from /category/page to /page This creates hundreds of redirects and it impacts SEO negatively.
How can I get rid of the invisible to the human eye but not to bots redirect?
And for some reason I am not receiving your notifications. The last one I got was 11/2 and for a different topic. Could you please check if there’s something wrong?
Thank you!
November 18, 2020 at 11:28 pm #1261377Hi Ismael,
Sending you the updated access info to the Staging site.
Thank you!
November 23, 2020 at 4:12 am #1262231Hi,
Are you referring to this line?
<span class=”blog-categories minor-meta”>Accidentes Auto, Accidentes Construcción </span>
Please note that when the option to hide the category is enabled, the theme will add the av-blog-meta-category-disabled class name in the markup and the categories in the page will be hidden using css. The actual category markup will stay in the page, but it should not be usable or indexable because it is hidden.
Best regards,
IsmaelNovember 23, 2020 at 9:51 pm #1262482Ismael,
I never opened this ticket for the CSS. I have been extremely clear that there are redirects in the code that BOTS can crawl and identify as 301s given than I have custom category pages and I had to implement permanent redirects.
Enfold category pages are not customizable unfortunately.
Before I disabled Categories from being displayed on Blog Posts, I had 350 hyperlinks to categories that in my case, generated permanent redirects. Not that having that many links to category pages is good as it gives too much importance to the category pages.
I disabled them from displaying but still have 175 links (that generate the same number of permanent redirects) in the code.
Bots do not care if the CSS is hidden.
My question, once more, how do I remove this hyperlink from the code? Is there a way?
<main class=’content units av-content-small alpha av-blog-meta-comments-disabled av-blog-meta-category-disabled av-blog-meta-html-info-disabled av-blog-meta-tag-disabled’ role=”main” itemscope=”itemscope” itemtype=”https://schema.org/Blog” >
<div class=”av-heading-wrapper”><span class=”blog-categories minor-meta”>Lesiones Personales Abogados </span>
And here’s the report (partial):
Page URL with Redirect Link Initial Redirect URL Final Destination URL Status code Discovered
11 Cosas que tu Aseguradora no Quiere que Sepas | Reclamos Accidente
https://ligadejusticia.com/11-cosas-que-tu-aseguradora-no-quiere-que-sepas/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/abogado-accidente-bicicleta/ https://ligadejusticia.com/abogado-accidente-bicicleta/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)11 Cosas que tu Aseguradora no Quiere que Sepas | Reclamos Accidente
https://ligadejusticia.com/11-cosas-que-tu-aseguradora-no-quiere-que-sepas/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/accidentes-de-construccion/ https://ligadejusticia.com/accidentes-construccion/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)11 Cosas que tu Aseguradora no Quiere que Sepas | Reclamos Accidente
https://ligadejusticia.com/11-cosas-que-tu-aseguradora-no-quiere-que-sepas/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/accidentes-de-auto/ https://ligadejusticia.com/accidentes-auto/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)11 Cosas que tu Aseguradora no Quiere que Sepas | Reclamos Accidente
https://ligadejusticia.com/11-cosas-que-tu-aseguradora-no-quiere-que-sepas/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/lesiones-personales-abogados/ https://ligadejusticia.com/lesiones-personales-abogados/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)La 11a Feria del Libro Hispana/Latina en Nueva York | Queens 2017
https://ligadejusticia.com/11a-feria-del-libro-hispana-nueva-york-queens-2017/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/comunidad/ https://ligadejusticia.com/comunidad/ 301 17 Aug 2020 (01:29)Novena de Navidad Centro Cívico Colombiano New York
https://ligadejusticia.com/20-novena-de-navidad-centro-civico/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/comunidad/ https://ligadejusticia.com/comunidad/ 301 17 Aug 2020 (01:29)Abogado de Coronavirus COVID-19 • Demanda de Muerte por Negligencia
https://ligadejusticia.com/abogado-de-coronavirus-covid-19-demanda-de-muerte-por-negligencia/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/lesiones-personales-abogados/ https://ligadejusticia.com/lesiones-personales-abogados/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)Abogados de Lesiones Por Quemaduras en New York | Accidentes NY
https://ligadejusticia.com/abogados-de-lesiones-por-quemaduras-en-new-york-compensacion-maxima/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/lesiones-personales-abogados/ https://ligadejusticia.com/lesiones-personales-abogados/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)Accidente como Pasajero de Taxi en Port Jefferson, Suffolk: $77,000
https://ligadejusticia.com/accidente-como-pasajero…n-port-jefferson-77000-por-dolor-y-sufrimiento/ https://ligadejusticia.com/category/accidentes-de-auto/ https://ligadejusticia.com/accidentes-auto/ 301 22 Jun 2020 (01:15)November 24, 2020 at 6:09 am #1262579Hey!
Thank you for the clarification.
To completely remove the categories, and not just hide it using css as the theme does by default, we have to modify the includes > loop-index.php file and remove this code around 304:
if( ! empty( $cats ) ) { $cat_output .= '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">'; $cat_output .= $cats; $cat_output .= '</span>'; $cats = ''; }
.. and line 395:
if( ! empty( $cats ) ) { echo '<span class="blog-categories minor-meta">' . __( 'in','avia_framework' ) . ' '; echo $cats; echo '</span><span class="text-sep text-sep-cat">/</span>'; }
IsmaelNovember 26, 2020 at 12:31 am #1263136Thank you, Ismael. I will test it this weekend on staging and let you know if it works. :)
November 30, 2020 at 2:09 am #1263846Hi,
You are welcome! We will keep the thread open for further updates. Please let us know if the modification above helps.
Best regards,
IsmaelNovember 30, 2020 at 2:13 am #1263847 -
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