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  • #1012767

    Hello Kriesi-Team,
    I want to use the Gill font from Linotype on my Enfold website. We bought the font for that. But if I try to upload the ZIP-File from Linotype via Enfold->Import it doesn’t work. The name of the font isn’t shown correctly (“Font: ( font-family: eulas )” and “Font: Fonts ( font-family: fonts )”). And when I select them as the Enfold headline and body fonts, nothing changes on the sites.

    Linotype offers a short manual for the font integration into WordPress, but it doesn’t work either: – moreover, you recommend not to change the css-files or to upload some new folders.

    I think the problem is the requirement of licensing scripts. The ZIP-file contains a demo.htm which describes two ways of required scripts (I will post them into private content).

    Can you please help me to integrate this Gill font. Thank you!


    Hey Jan,

    I’d recommend to create a child theme. Then create a font folder inside the child theme folder – i.e. the directory structure would then be wp-content/themes/enfold-child/css/

    Then follow the instructions here:

    Extrahieren Sie aus dem ZIP-Archiv des Webfont-Pakets die Datei demo.css und das Verzeichnis Fonts
    2. Finden Sie in Ihrem WordPress-Installationsverzeichnis den css-Ordner für Ihr derzeit verwendetes Thema
    Beispiel: wp-content/themes/twentyfifteen/css/
    3. Laden Sie die Datei demo.css und das Verzeichnis Fonts aus Schritt 1 in diesen Ordner hoch
    4. Melden Sie sich in Ihrem WordPress Dashboard als Admin an
    5. Klicken Sie im Bereich Design auf die Option Editor

    Then add this code to the child theme functions.php:

    function avia_enqueue_child_styles() {
    	// enqueue child styles
    	wp_enqueue_style('avia-child-theme-font', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() .'/css/demo.css');
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'avia_enqueue_child_styles');

    to load the font files in the head section of your child theme.

    Best regards,

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