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  • #1328107

    Hi there,
    I miss new themes in Evnfold, so I looked elsewhere for pages. The funnel pages area is particularly important. (I would like to continue using Enfold)
    Can I, for example, easily integrate this HTML page into Enfold using the import function and then edit it further with Enfold?
    see link

    Greetings Holger from Germany


    Hey Holger,
    Thank you for your question, you can not “import” html templates into Enfold and have them converted into Enfold elements that you can modify. You can copy the html source code and paste it into a code block element on an Enfold page and have the html content show on the frontend, but any modifications will have to be done in the html code and not with Advanced Layout Builder elements.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Then it’s time for the Kriesi Team to integrate Funnel pages that look modern. Your themes are not modern and look old-fashioned.
    Release page, sales page, landing page, etc.

    Greetings Holger



    Thanks for your feedback, it’s much appreciated.

    Best regards,

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