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  • #414068


    I’m trying to install the child theme as per your download and I’m getting an error message in worpress/appearance/themes saying:

    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    enfold child The parent theme is missing. Please install the “enfold” parent theme.

    I have a working and active enfold theme installed and the title is exactly the same in the style.css file so from what I gather it should be correctly pointing to the parent template.

    I’ve tried deleting the file in my cPanel file manager and then re-extracting it directly from the zip file, but the same thing keeps happening.

    Any ideas?


    Hey Frannie!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please provide a link to the website. We would like to check it. Edit the style.css file, make sure that the Template name is the same as the folder name of the parent theme:

    Template: enfold



    Hi there,

    I am having the same problem and from what I can see, the style sheet for my template matches up with the child theme style sheet. Site is provided below.

    Thank you!



    Thanks for the details though they are not working, could you check and verify please?

    Did you download your child theme here?

    Best regards,


    hi! i’m also having this problem… added child theme, had no problem with it until today. everything looks right from my end in the wp content folders. login info below…



    Hey Rikard,

    I had to change the PW bc the client was having issues. New info below:



    Thanks for that, I deleted the broken child theme. Could you try to download a copy from the link I sent and upload it again please?

    Best regards,


    Hi @greenbeansdesign,

    Could you try to delete your child theme and upload a copy from the link I sent please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I downloaded the child theme from the link you provided and am still getting the same issue. Please advise.

    Thank you!


    Hi @greenbeansdesign,

    Do you still need help with this issue? I checked your website, looks like you got it working?

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi tivo_designs,

    Your enfold folder is not named just enfold, that’s why the child theme is not working. Please rename it to “enfold” and let us know how it worked out for you.

    Best regards,


    Ah! Yes, when I downloaded the parent theme, it was labeled Enfold 4.0. Fixed the issue, thank you!



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    Hi all,

    Please I want to install the child theme as well.
    Perent theme is active right now. Should I just hit activate to child theme? Or should I first deactivate the parent theme first?

    What is the right way to do it, to avoid my site to crash. it happened before when I tried this..
    Please help?


    Hi arthurepassa,

    You can activate the child theme. If the site crashes, can you please check server log for error?

    Best regards,

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