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  • #563117


    I tried to install a custom font (Futura) following these instructions:

    It works in English, but not in the 4 other languages. In the other languages the menu font got changed and I try to change it back, but it says, “Saving didn’t work”. I can’t even change the font size now in the other languages. I erased the code, but the problem persists.

    So I followed these instructions upload the font files into the enfold/css folder and add your font face code to custom.css.

    But I don’t see any new option in the menu and don’t know where to modify the font and also to eliminate the “Saving didn’t work” error.

    Thank you,


    Hey Yoolia!

    Please see –

    You should use custom CSS to target your elements to have them use your new font family. If you need help, let us know!



    Hey Yigit,

    thanks for the link. I followed all the instructions, but the last one is not very precise “The code can now be included in the beginning of the sites stylesheet and referenced as any standard font would be. It is important to include some additional fonts in case for some reason the browser is unable to display the local one.”

    Where do I post the CSS code – in the main theme in
    -Base CSS
    -Custom CSS
    – The child theme in style.css ?

    Also – once this is done – will all the fonts automatically appear in the one I uploaded?

    And I still can’t save ANY changes to the theme in other languages, e.g. change the font size, or anything in the footer. I can only save changes in English, all other languages won’t save!!!




    You can paste the CSS code to either the CSS of the panel or the child theme CSS file.
    For the othe languages are you use WPML?



    Hey Basilis,

    I tried both – the custom.css file of the base theme (as suggested in one of the instructions, because the fonts folder is also in the base theme folder) and the style.css of the Child theme. But the font does not change.

    Yes, I use WPML. Since I tried to add the font according to these instructions It worked for Futura font, but not Futura PT. I deleted all code and changes again, but since then I can’t save ANY change in the other languages anymore.




    Please use this plugin we do not support this plugin nor it is tested with enfold.

    Hope this helps!



    Hi Vinay,

    I installed the plugin and it works fine. If I go to Advanced Styling I can customize the font size of H1-H6, Menu links, etc. But there is no option to customize the “Default Content Size”. Which option do I need to select to set the default size of body text to 15? (Changing the size in General Styling does not work).

    Thank you,



    Please add following code to Quick CSS

    body p {
        font-size: 16px;

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Yigit.

    Hi Yigit,

    thanks a lot, with the code it works!!


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