Hi Kriesi
You helped earlier this year with installing a social media icon/LinkedIn on the footer of my webpage. Now the time has come to install Instagram. I am running into the same problem – not finding the code for Instagram.
Here is the code that I am using for my Facebook icon:
[av_font_icon icon='ue8f5' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='manually,https://www.instagram.com/care4burn/' linktarget='_blank' size='40px' position='left' color='#333333' av_uid='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_font_icon]
I understand I need to replace this part “ue8f5” with another code – but which one? Can you please help?
Thank you and I look forward to hear from you.
Kind regards Karianne
Web-page: http://www.care4burn.org
Hi Mike
Thank you, but that does not look like the Instagram logo.
The Instagram logo should have to circles and a dot. The one with ue909 has a circle, a straight line and a dot.
Can you please try again?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Mike
Thank you! That worked!
I am soon about to make an icon for youtube. Can you please assist with the code for youtube as well?
Thank you ;o)
Kind regards Karianne
One more thing, looking at the icons I have on the webpage: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. They all look a bit different style – one is square, one is round, the third is more white. When I look at other webpages it feels as if the icons are more the same design. Is that something you can help my with? To get one style. I like the square and/or the white.
Thank you.