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  • #1012036

    I am getting massive amounts of errors showing up in my server error log, and which is causing my site to load incredibly slowly (I assume it’s slowing down wordpress, because I’m on GoDaddy dedicated host and my server resources are barely being touched).

    [19-Sep-2018 02:44:16 UTC] PHP Warning: scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php on line 3019

    [19-Sep-2018 02:44:32 UTC] PHP Warning: scandir(/home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/uploads/avia_instagram_cache/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php on line 3019

    My server is generating massive amounts of these errors. It looks like it’s the same problem talked about here:

    it’s taking almost 60 seconds for any page to load on the website, and even slower if I’m trying to access the wordpress backend. I tried deactivating my instagram connection from my social profile settings in the theme to see if that would help, but it hasn’t.

    Please help


    Hey Rusty,

    I fixed the issue by updating the public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php script. The warning should disappear now.

    Best regards,


    The warning is not what I care about, it’s the incredibly slow site-speed that I’m worried about. I’ve systematically worked through all of my plugins, disabling them each, and in the end, it appears to be Enfold that is causing this terrible latency.


    In other words, the real question is not “how do I stop these errors from being logged”, but “how do I stop these errors from happening?” How do I change that code so that it’s not trying to open a directory that doesn’t exist, because every time it does, which is all the time, then it slows the site down, consumes resources, and makes it take an eternity to try to do any editing of pages.


    If I’m working in the backend on anything else, it’s fast, but anytime I work on a page with the Avia Layout Builder, it spikes my resources, slows to a crawl, and I often get “Connection Lost” message on the editing page. I built a page called “Test” where you can go and do some edits so you can see what I mean.



    Personally I could not reproduce the slow loading times on the “test” page but if you think the directory creation slows down your website you can overwrite the instagram widget code with a custom instagram class in your child theme. Copy this code:

    class avia_instagram_widget
    	public function __construct() { return; }
    	public function __destruct() { return; }

    to the child theme functions.php and then Enfold will not load the instagram widget code again.

    Best regards,


    Where can I go to download the prior version of Enfold, v. 4.3?


    Hi rustylindquist,

    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria. Unfortunately 4.26 goes back a bit too far. 4.3 is the version that had all of the performance improvements in it, and has some features that I’m currently using from 4.4.

    I know it sounds like I’m being picky, but you have to understand I’m spending all day editing pages in enfold, and it takes up to 20 seconds just for a single “edit module” screen to populate once I click on it “e.g. to edit a special title, or a text module, or any of them”. The amount of work I’m able to get done in a single day has literally been cut down to about 25%, right at a time when I’m trying to launch (and boostrap) a business. I’ve paid Godaddy developers to try to figure it out. They’ve optimized all they can, we’ve disabled every plugin to isolate it down to the theme, and they’ve even studied these forums to come to the same conclusion, that it’s the cron jobs associated with the instagram widget. But I’ve added the code above, and it hasn’t resolved any of the speed issues.

    Is there anyone else who might be able to resurrect a v4.3 file for me?

    If not, can I pay someone to go into my site and fix the issue?

    Thank you for your help.


    Hi rustylindquist,

    No, you’re not picky, I just do not seem to find it. I’ll ask my colleagues if they have it.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by Victoria.

    Thank you Victoria!



    Did you need additional help or shall we close this thread?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I installed the v3.4, but unfortunately that’s not fixing it either. Is there a way for me to pay for development support, where someone can login and see exactly what’s happening and fix it? I’m happy to do so, I just need that productivity back. I have two licenses of Enfold, and on the other site there doesn’t seem to be this issue.

    To duplicate the issue, you can just to to the “Test” page, then try opening any module, evey now and then one will pop right up, but ordinarily it’ll take 20-30 seconds for a module to resolve, and then the same to close and save it.

    Thank you for whatever help you can provide.


    FINALLY… I figured it out.

    There’s some conflict in using the Enfold Child theme. I had removed all plugins… still slow (20-40 seconds just to load the edit screen of one of the modules in the visual editor). Then I wondered if it was old CSS (I’ve used Enfold for many years, and there’s lots of old stuff in there) so I went through and deleted it all. Still slow.

    Finally, wondered what was different between this site (where it’s slow) and my other site, on a different host, where it’s fast. I realized that on this site I use the Enfold Child theme. So I exported my theme settings, activated the parent theme, uploaded the theme settings, but still the same slowness. Then I deleted the child theme altogether, just to be sure, and now it’s fast again.

    So, for your developers who are working on the next release, you may want to have them investigate this.

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