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  • #538573


    I’m quite new to WP and Enfold. Maybe this question is obvious but I can’t seem to find an answer on the net.
    Enfold encludes a demo “lifestyle”, where you have an Instagram Widged configured.
    When I change that widget, no picture is available. I get the message “Instagram has returned invalid data”.
    Now i understand that I have to authorize Enfold to grab the images from Instagram,
    but I can’t find HOW or WHERE i can grant this permission.

    Can you point me out how i can get the Instagram widget to work with my pictures?


    Hey sstruyve!

    Can you show us the settings you have added to the widget?
    If that is an issue for you, please provide us with backend access and your instagram username.

    Thanks a lot for your time.



    Hi Basilis,
    Please find the login details in the private section.
    As this is nothing but a test site and server, you are free to modify anything you need to.



    It seems like you are adding wrong username as profile cannot be found. Please see the link in private content field below.
    I tried Angelina Jolie’s Instagram account on your installation and it works fine – :)



    Oh now i get it.
    Thanks for the tip. It works now.
    For the record, in case anybody else has a problem with this:
    Apparently, Enfold does not require an approvement from Instagram,
    but Enfold works using public Instagram accounts. Private accounts do not work.
    You can alter your visibility settings as described here:



    glad it’s working now for you and thanks for sharing with us! Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.




    Glad you figured it out!
    Thank you for sharing your solution. Let us know if you have any other questions or issues and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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