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  • #977548


    I read in a previous thread the ‘insert read more tag’ function only works in WordPress posts—is it possible to achieve this in a tab container?

    If not do you know if this could be done with the help from an external developer?



    Hey Steven,

    I don’t think that would be possible unfortunately, maybe it would be easier to just insert a manual link? What content are you adding to the Tabs?

    Best regards,


    Its a list of attractions and accommodation on a travel site. The list has a few items and a photograph and we’d like the user to stay on that page. You can see the first draft here:

    Do you know if it is possible but would require external development?



    Unfortunately, I don’t believe you will be able to include a Read More tag in the tab area that will have the user stay on the same page without external development. You can add a manual Read more tab that will link the user to another page or lightbox popup.
    I have included a mockup in the Private Content area, to ensure that we are discussing about the same element.
    To create a button that links to a lightbox popup, or modal popup, please see this post

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the response. The read more tag would have been placed around 1000px; so the user could decide on whether to read more at the bottom of each tab.

    Is it possible to set a max-height for the tab container with overflow scroll so the user can scroll for more content?




    No, that will not be able to work as you imagine from some tests on console.

    Best regards,


    We got this to work but might decide not to deploy it.

    Thanks, please close this ticket.




    Thank you lot letting us know, we appreciate it.

    Best regards,

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