Tagged: page
How can insert a single potfolio item inside a page?
Hey Yory!
This is not possible. Single portfolio items are like posts and wordpress also doesn’t allow you to insert a single post into a page. You can only add a portfolio grid to a page which then links to the single portfolio entry.
Thank you
How should I edit / remove the portfolio-item hierarchy from the URL of each and all portfolio items?
Currently the URL is: mysite.com/portfolio-item/my_portfolio
It should be something like: mysite.com/my_page/my_portfolio or mysite.com/my_category/my_portfolio
You can’t insert a dynamic slug like my_page or my_category because wordpress requires an unique slug for each custom post type which must be static and which helps wordpress to converts the pretty permalink to a post, page, or custom post type. However you can replace the default “portfolio-item” slug with another (unique) slug on the permalink page (Settings > Permalinks). You must not use a slug which is already used for a page or post. If you really want to point a page slug to a portfolio entry you can do this with a redirection: https://wordpress.org/plugins/safe-redirect-manager/