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  • #270435

    Hi everybody,
    I would like to know if it’s (easily) possible to insert a Viadeo icon among the others social icon in the header ?
    Thanks a lot


    Hey Jeff!

    Refer to this topic:

    You would need to generate an icon font with that icon in Fontello.



    Hi Josue,

    thanx a lot for your answer, I will check this way.
    Congrats to all the crew for this awesome theme !



    Thanks for the kind words, hope it works out for you :)


    Hey Josue,
    few words to tell you that I successfully insert a viadeo icon in the social media area. The way I proceed was a little bit different from the topic, but it was actually very useful. If needed, I’ll be glad to share my process.

    Thanx again,
    best regards,



    Glad it worked Jeff, feel free to share it :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,
    here is a process I used to insert a custom social icon in the small bar. Well, I don’t pretend to have discover a revolutionary process ;) this is just a “step-by-step” process which maybe will help beginners like me… Glad if I can help someone ;)

    1/ Create and export your font from Fontello

    2/ In the Admin, edit “functions.php” and past the code: ‘nameofyourfont’ => array( ‘font’ =>’nameofyourfont’, ‘icon’ => ‘ue888’),
    just below the Youtube line, by example.

    3/ On the FTP go to the directory: Enfold –> includes –> admin –> register-admin-options.php

    4/ Edit register-admin-options.php and past the code: ‘Nameofyourfont’ => ‘nameofyourfont’,
    just below the Youtube line, by example.

    5/ Unzip the Fontello folder you’ve exported and go again on the FTP, directory: wp-content –> Themes –> Enfold –> Config-templatesbuilder –> avia-template-builder –> Assets –> Fonts
    Place here your fonts (.eot, .woff, .ttf, .svg)

    6/ Go back to Enfold Admin, “Import/Export” button, and import your Fontello zip folder with IconFont Manager.

    It should work :)

    Best regards



    Thanks for sharing Jeff! :)


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