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  • #1098164


    I have some elements generated by a plugin (EDD) and they have some basic WP ugly style, so I want them to inherit CSS from beautiful Enfold.

    For ex. there’s a button


    What should I do for it to look like

    avia_button_background avia-button avia-button-fullwidth avia-color-custom


    Regards, Vital


    Hey Vital,

    Could you post a link to where we can see both elements please?

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    It’s in PC block – two Purchase buttons. I need Black one to look like the Green one.

    I was thinking about using Elementor for this job, but here you guys always say it conflicts with Enfold’s builder. SO I’m trying to use Enfolds CSS

    Best regards,



    Sorry but the link you shared is not working please check the link again.

    To copy the theme styles please right click on the element and inspect the html and CSS.

    Best regards,

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