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  • #1090894

    Dear Support Team,

    as I saw on your demo sites, you are using the symbol/symbol box content element with individual symbols e.g. teeth, skeleton, etc. The question is: How to use individual symbols within the symbol/symbol box content element. I can only choose one from the entypo-fontello font.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Yours Sincerely
    Markus Sammer

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by wksammer.

    Hey wksammer,

    Please post a screenshot of what you’re talking about?

    Best regards,


    Dear Victoria,

    the following picture shows one of your demo sites. How can I use individual icons in the symbol/symbol box content element, such as e.g. the hospital, the heart and the microscope in the picture? The symbol/symbol box element only offers the ability to choose one from the entypo-fontello font.

    symbol/symbol box content element within the blue boxes

    Best regards
    Markus Sammer

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by wksammer.


    You can either use the Icon Box element or you can add an icon or image and then below a paragraph.
    It is really simple on how to use to re-crate it.,

    Best regards,

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