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  • #355014


    I have made changes in various php files, so I do not want to update all the files if it is not needed. on these files I find yesterday’s date on. Do all these need to be replaced to get up to 4.0.1?

    2014-11-20 21:58 image_hotspots.php
    2014-11-20 21:58 google_maps.php
    2014-11-20 22:00 testimonials.php
    2014-11-20 22:00 toggles.php
    2014-11-20 22:09 functions.php
    2014-11-20 22:12 shortcode-helper.class.php
    2014-11-20 22:12 template-builder.php
    2014-11-20 22:12 slideshow.php
    2014-11-20 22:12 contact.php
    2014-11-20 22:27 avia.js
    2014-11-20 22:33 layout.css
    2014-11-20 22:33 functions-enfold.php
    2014-11-20 22:33 single.php
    2014-11-20 22:33 config.php
    2014-11-20 22:33 slideshow_fullsize.php
    2014-11-20 23:24 buttons.php
    2014-11-20 23:24 template-builder.class.php
    2014-11-20 23:24 shortcode-template.class.php
    2014-11-20 23:25 style.css

    Peter Ottingius


    Hi ottingius!

    There were too many lines and files changed to be able to list them all. You can download the update and view the version.txt to get an overview of what was changed.

    I recommend using a child theme to do your customizations in so updating is easy,


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