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  • #1419344

    I am using the Masonry Gallery and setting up the images with the option under Advanced / link settings / to use a custom link.

    When some of the images in the gallery are clicked, the lightbox effect pops up and the youtube video plays in there which is what I want. but more of the other images do not respond that way. Instead, they open to the Youtube page whether I set open in same window or in new window.

    Does anyone know how to get the Youtube video to play in the Lightbox mode for all the images and not just two of the six?

    Here is a link to the issue, scroll down to the Gregory Beylerian gallery of 6 images:

    Thanks for any insight on how to resolve this.



    Hey gb,
    I see some of your links are not correct like:
    they need to have /watch? like
    perhaps youtube doesn’t allow “shorts” to be seen but on there site? Try uploading them as regular videos.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks so much! Regarding the shorts, I am not able to find a way to tell Youtube not to upload them as shorts, seems automatic if the video is under something like a minute.

    For the videos that are longer and do work in the pop up, their aspect ration is vertical but the pop up window keeps a default horizontal 1920 x 1080 aspect ratio. I wonder if there is a way to adjust that so there is no black space on the sides of my videos since they are vertically oriented?


    Unfortunately it is the youtube player that is landscape and it is in a iframe so it can’t be changed.

    Best regards,


    ahh, thats what I figured, thanks so much!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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